Creative Suggestion to train Call Center Agents
Posted by ICCS BPO on Friday 15th of December 2017
There are several call centers in the world and if you want to make yours a bit different from all of them, you need to have talented call center agents. Whether you are hiring or organizing the training for your existing employees you need to make a wise selection and groom their skills according to their domain expertise. The effective training given to the call center agents are not only helping to grow your business but also are useful for customers seeking their help in certain issues.
That’s the reason it’s important to follow certain suggestion before hiring the candidates and training the employees. Pre-planned strategies make sure that everything goes inline and extra efforts, resourced and expense is not wasted in the mean-time. The training has a direct impact on quality and performance of the employees and their delivery capabilities.
Let’s take a look!
Before Initial Training Sessions
At the time of hiring candidates for the BPO companies, you need to screen the employees by setting your clear expectations during the interview process. You need to know the parameters of judging their performance as well as their expectations before they accept the offer. Also, you need to prepare yourself for giving them effective training. All you need to do research online for valuable training resources such as scripts, tutorials, and simulations to increase the effectiveness of your training sessions. Also, set-up a training learning portal in which every information is given that covers compliance topics and product knowledge. This way, you enable new candidates to open the doors of added confidence and competence.
During Initial Training
While giving the training you need to be flexible and adapt new technical training suggestion. Also, you can use a variety of mediums such as PowerPoint, Excel, Games or Contests to choose the perfect way of training. In addition, offer incentives such as trinkets, treats or privilege to those who perform well in the training crash course. Another way is to use group activities to encourage the teamwork and co-operation among the new employees. Hire experts to avail training that involves operation leadership and workforce management tips for adherence and perform better in their job. Make sure you do the best thing to engage your candidates by showing them different scripts and their generation, demonstrate compliance requirements, and split the class into teams and allow them to challenge each other and ask questions related to BPO companies.
Incubation is one of the most important steps in transitioning the fresh candidates or trainees into call center agents. During this time, the experienced employees of the call center help and train new agents about different processes and to practice. This way the new clients not only learn new things and processes but they also feel motivated, are able to identify opportunities and perform well in their respective fields. Give them enough time to learn, engaging themselves in the new processes. Leaders and trainers are supposed to fill the gaps in order to calibrate and demonstrate the client’s campaign. All you need to do is leave no scope for misunderstanding and put focus and stronger emphasis in future training.
Refresher Courses for Existing Employees
As we all know that learning doesn’t have an end! As the market evolves new clients emerges in need of call center services be it inbound calls or outbound. That’s the reason, the agents irrespective how talented they are they need to attend the training session in order to upgrade their skills and knowledge. Set up simulation sessions with the use of latest technology so that agents can practice how to handle calls for technical support, customer service, and sales. Give them excellent tutorial videos to refresh the knowledge of existing agents.
Quality Monitoring
The agents’ performance should always be monitored so that you know that you have invested in a good and talented resource who is able to live up to your expectations quickly. Observe that with time and effort their qualities and working capabilities are increasing or not. You can do that by QA monitoring, scoring revise, self-critique, discussion of opportunities which they seek, and coaching sessions with their respective team leaders. Provide them feedback individually in a sensitive manner and also tell them where they need to improve and enhance their skills.
Wrapping Up
BPO companies need to understand the importance of training and strategies needed to conduct them in a successful manner. It will help employees in growing their career in getting experience for their future as well as the company in generating revenue, customer satisfaction, and growth of the company.
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