Importance of Automatic Dialer System in Call Centre
Posted by ICCS BPO on Saturday 29th of August 2020
Now-a-days, companies of all sizes avail call center outsourcing services from recognized vendors. Inbound & outbound call centerx services are availed so that businesses can grow at a better pace. Traditionally, inbound call centers are generally focused on customer support whereas outbound ones are sales-focused. To ensure better sales, outbound call centers use an automatic dialer system & aim to avail desired results. Below mentioned are top 3 reasons that would explain why automatic dialer system is so important for outbound call centers:-
1. Improving efficiency of telemarketers
Automatic dialer system plays a prime role in increasing the average talk time per hour. This is hugely contributing factor because if telemarketers communicate with maximum prospects in a day, the sales conversion rate is more likely to amplify. Specialty of the automatic dialer system is that it can predict when the current call would be disconnected. In addition, this system searches the next best possible number until telesales agents are busy on the calls. It places a call as soon as agents conclude the conversation with prospects. As a positive result of all of this, agents succeed in conversing with maximum prospects without making any dialing errors, which consequently, leads to better sales results.
Manual dialling system on other hand only secures 10 to 15 minutes of talk time per hour whereas an automatic dialer system guarantees 40 to 50 minutes talk time per hour. It proves that automatic dialling system is far better than manual dialling system.
Also it mitigates the chance of human error, along with reaching a throng of potential customers on daily basis & perfectly timed call backs.
So, if you really want to secure better sales growth without taking any external help, bring an automatic dialer system in your in-house outbound call center.
2. Prevents legal issues
To get the desired sales results, it is understandable that maximum calls should be placed in a day, but it doesn’t mean that rules and regulations can be ignored. Sometimes telemarketers breach Government policies unintentionally because of the manual dialing system; thereby legal issues take place and results in mammoth financial losses.
One major policy is we cannot place calls related to telemarketing to those people who have already availed DNC (Do Not Call) service. Breaching policies simply means giving an invitation to legal issues, and this could be harmful to the business’s overall productivity. The best way to stay away from legal issues is making use of the automatic dialer system as it automatically filters out DNC registered numbers and connects telemarketers to those prospects who are open to answering sales-related calls. This not only prevents legal issues but also leads to better sales conversion rate.
3. Makes agents’ life easier
Generally, businesses that prefer to handle the telemarketing campaign using manual dialling system, do so because they think that it puts unnecessary pressure, which leads to a high agent attrition rate. However, this isn’t true.
An automatic dialer system gives less time to prepare for the next call as it connects telemarketers to prospects within a short time span. However, the important thing to know is that an automatic dialer system can be integrated with the CRM, and that means telemarketers automatically get all the information on their system screen before being connected to prospects. So they are equipped to handle prospects in efficient manner.